Thursday, 19 June 2008
Friday, 13 June 2008
Press Release … Press Release … Press Release
For Immediate Release
Like many other right thinking people, The HIV Support Centre was shocked to hear the hurtful comments made recently by MLA Iris Robinson, both on radio and TV, in respect of the gay and lesbian community in
Kieran Harris, Chief Executive Officer said, "I have taken numerous phonecalls from members of both the gay and heterosexual community in Northern Ireland expressing their anger and disappointment at Alderman Robinson's comments"
He added, "I believe that Alderman Robinsons comments were very ill advised and extremely hurtful to a significant number of people throughout the north of Ireland and I would hope that, on reflection, Alderman Robinson might now take steps to heal the hurt that she has caused to so many."
The British Association of Psychiatrists have confirmed that Alderman Robinson's comments have been offered without any medical evidence to support them.
The HIV Support Centre offers information, advice and support to people irrespective of their sexual orientation. It can be contacted on 02890 249268 or for confidential advice on Freephone 0800 137 437.
For further information and comment on The HIV Support Centre please contact Kieran Harris at The HIV Support Centre on 028 9024 9268 (9am – 5pm) or for information on The HIV Support Centre visit
The HIV Support Centre will be taking part in this year's annual Gay Pride Event in August 2008.
The first Saturday of August is Pride Day in Belfast, the highlight of the gay calendar in Northern Ireland and the climax to the week long programme of festivities.
Last year The HIV Support Centre with six and a half thousand LGBT people, friends, families and supporters sang, danced and cheered their way through Belfast City Centre accompanied by a range of floats and a plethora of flags, banners and placards.
The event is one of Northern Ireland's largest carnivals, bringing a spectacle of colour, music and energy onto the streets of Belfast. The parade really is a great opportunity for all LGBT people, friends, families and supporters to express our diversity, freedom and unity.
If anyone would like to join us at the event, please email for more information. At this stage it's likely the route will remain much the same as last year, but the Pride Committee will publish any changes well in advance. As always the parade will start and finish at Party in the Square.
We look forward to seeing you there.